Samsung’s Galaxy S25 series goes official in two weeks, running Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Elite processor globally. The new processor brings massive CPU, GPU, and NPU boosts alongside a host of other upgrades. Reports suggest the new flagships, particularly the Ultra model, will benefit from its improved camera capabilities, delivering clearer low-light videos.
Galaxy S25 Ultra is touted to offer better low-light videos, enhanced cooling
Samsung will ship all three Galaxy S25 models with the 3nm Snapdragon 8 Elite chip worldwide — there’s no Exynos version this time. The chip boasts a peak CPU speed of 4.47GHz for a 38% boost in CPU performance. It also offers a 34% GPU boost and a staggering 43% jump in NPU performance. Moreover, the phones come with at least 12GB of RAM, with the Ultra getting a 16GB RAM variant.
With these upgrades, the upcoming Samsung flagships are well-equipped to handle today’s growing on-device mobile AI applications. The company improved the vapor chamber cooling system for enhanced efficiency and sustained performance. The Galaxy S25 Ultra is said to offer 42%faster cooling, while the other two models see a 10% jump in the cooling rate.
This isn’t it, though. The Snapdragon 8 Elite also enables major camera upgrades. Despite largely unchanged camera hardware, the Galaxy S25 series will deliver better photos and videos than the S24. One of the notable upgrades will be the low-light video quality, Ice Universe claims. The Galaxy S25 Ultra, in particular, will allegedly see a huge improvement in nighttime videos.
Since most of the camera upgrades are enabled by the new chip, the Galaxy S24 and older models won’t receive those. Samsung’s One UI 7 update does bring some improvements, but nothing major. If you plan to buy the new flagships, pre-reservations are now live. Samsung will unveil the phones on January 22, and should immediately start taking pre-orders.